Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Vocabulary fun with Scrabble!

I've been using Scrabble on the iPad as a vocabulary tool in the classroom. Groups of up to four students play against each other, taking turns on the iPad. In these groups one student is designated time keeper; each student is given two minutes to come up with a word.

To setup the activity I ask the class if anyone is familiar with scrabble. I then give them a quick lesson on how to play and the rules.  While the iPad version is excellent, you may find there are several features you will not want to use. For example, Scrabble for iPad allows you to have a best word feature. This feature will automatically insert the best possible word combination for your allotted tiles. The best word feature can be turned off at the time you are setting up the game. If you choose to allow the feature, the students at the table can regulate how many turns each gets to press the button. A good idea on how to turn the “best word” button into a learning experience is to have the students look up the word and use it in a sentence. It’s also helpful if the students have a dictionary handy, it will allow them to look up words Scrabble may accept but the student may not have the meaning of.

To setup the game use the following steps:

  1. Press the Scrabble app
  2. Press on “Pass N’ Play”
  3. Choose the number of player
  4. Set “Best Word” to off unless you want the students to use it.
  5. Press “Create”
  6. The game will now begin.

After the game is over I reward the group's winner with this certificate: 

-- Joe Santiago --

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